1.5 - Enhanced Use Of Force Policy

California Highway Patrol | Standard Operating Procedures

All Troopers who exercise force greater than Verbal are required to render aid as soon as practical and when the situation has been deemed safe to do so. No Trooper shall leave another wounded law enforcement officer unattended or alone. The first priority when an officer is wounded shall be with assisting and transporting that officer away from the situation as soon as practical. In the event of an officer down, in a situation that would be unsafe for EMS to deploy into, it is recommended an Officer coordinate a safe place for EMS to stage near the incident until the officer can be extracted to the location of EMS. The Priority of care shall begin with wounded Law Enforcement Officers. If more than one officer on the scene is able to provide immediate first aid, treatment of both wounded officers and suspects should take place. Troopers must secure and detain wounded suspects prior to treatment.

  • If a Trooper utilizes a baton on a subject, EMS shall be activated either upon request from the suspect or if it is needed in the Officer's opinion, to render first aid as soon as the situation is safe for them to deploy. With IFAKs may utilize their IFAK Aid to wounded persons

  • If a Trooper deploys their taser on any subject, EMS shall be activated to perform necessary first aid to the subject who was tased. Troopers shall not attempt to remove taser prongs from a subject on their own. Trooper with IFAKs may utilize their IFAK to render aid to wounded persons but SHALL NOT attempt to remove or displace taser prongs.

  • If a Trooper deploys their less than lethal shotgun, EMS shall be activated to perform necessary first aid to the subject who was engaged with a beanbag. Troopers with IFAKs may utilize their IFAK to render aid to wounded persons.

  • If a Trooper engages a suspect with a weapon, EMS shall be activated to perform necessary first aid to the subject who was engaged. If it is unsafe for EMS to arrive on a scene, Troopers may detain and transport the subject to a triage or staging point where EMS is located. When an individual is injured from a gunshot wound, that individual shall be treated as time critical and transported as soon as practical. Every effort should be made to preserve life once a suspect has been shot by Law Enforcement. Troopers with IFAKs may utilize their IFAK to render aid to wounded persons.

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